ISS schoolcontact live op woensdag 27juli 19:59 UTC

Een tweede  ARISS contact voor deze week.Nu met het Peoria Riverfront Museum, Illinois, USA op woensdag 27 juli om 19:59 UTC.

Grondstation is dit keer IK1SLD, Claudio, in Italie. De activiteit in het grondstation is live via de BATC ( te volgen.

Zie hieronder de aankondiging van ARISS.

73’s Bertus

An International Space Station radio contact has been planned for Jeff Williams KD5TVQ with Peoria Riverfront Museum, Peoria IL USA. The event is scheduled Wednesday July 27, 2016 at approximately 19:59 UTC.
The amateur radio contact will be a telebridge operated by IK1SLD, located in Casale – Monferrato, Italy.

The downlink signal will be audible in Europe on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM.

There will be no video from the ISS, but the telebridge station IK1SLD will stream live video of the station to the BATC Multiviewer server. Interested parties can view the ground station operating at:

The BATC Multiviewer shows six screen views, one of which will be from the IK1SLD station. You can enlarge it to full screen.


The Peoria Riverfront Museum focuses on interdisciplinary learning – a fusion of art, history, science and achievement designed to develop knowledge, critical thinking skills and a lifelong passion for learning. We have a state-of-the-art planetarium to teach astronomy and other science topics, and a giant screen theater that shows educational and feature films. Our mission is to inspire lifelong learning for all – connecting art, history, science and achievement through collections, exhibitions and programs.

Peoria is the largest city in Central Illinois, with a population of 115,000 in the city, and about 400,000 in the greater metro area. The surrounding area is rural, with a great deal of farming communities.

The questions to the astronaut will be asked by students in our “Space to Ground” club, and by museum visitors and staff. The questions labeled “Staff/Audience Member” were collected from museum visitors, but we are not sure if the person who submitted the question will be at the event, so we do not have names.

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. Luke: What happens when you sneeze in space?
2. Lily: What do you miss from Earth most while you are in space?
3. Andy: How do the plants grow differently in space than on Earth?
4. Kevin H.: From space, what area on Earth looks best?
5. Andrew B.: What do you do for fun while on the ISS?
6. Zane: Is it true that your spine grows abnormally in space?
7. Avani: Would you prefer to go on a spacewalk, or to go for a walk on Earth with gravity?
8. Staff/Audience Member: What is the first thing you will eat when you return to Earth?
9. Staff/Audience Member: What will you be doing today after you are done talking to us?
10. Staff/Audience Member: Which current science experiment on the ISS interests you most?
11. Staff/Audience Member: What is the most difficult job you do on the ISS?
12. Staff/Audience Member: How many sunsets do you see in a day?
13. Staff/Audience Member: What was the most difficult part of adjusting to weightlessness?
14. Staff/Audience Member: Where do you see human spaceflight in 50 years?
15. Staff/Audience Member: Do you have trouble running into things while moving about the ISS?

Zaterdag 23 juli, 19:59 UTC, ARISS Schoolcontact met ISS, live te beluisteren

ARISS contact planned for Peoria Riverfront Museum, Illinois, USA

An International Space Station radio contact has been planned for Jeff
Williams KD5TVQ with Peoria Riverfront Museum, Peoria IL USA. The event is
scheduled Wednesday July 27, 2016 at approximately 19:59 UTC.
The amateur radio contact will be a telebridge operated by IK1SLD, located
in Casale – Monferrato, Italy.

The downlink signal will be audible in Europe on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM.

There will be no video from the ISS, but the telebridge station IK1SLD will
stream live video of the station to the BATC Multiviewer server. Interested
parties can view the ground station operating at:

The BATC Multiviewer shows six screen views, one of which will be from the
IK1SLD station. You can enlarge it to full screen.


The Peoria Riverfront Museum focuses on interdisciplinary learning – a
fusion of art, history, science and achievement designed to develop
knowledge, critical thinking skills and a lifelong passion for learning. We
have a state-of-the-art planetarium to teach astronomy and other science
topics, and a giant screen theater that shows educational and feature films.
Our mission is to inspire lifelong learning for all – connecting art,
history, science and achievement through collections, exhibitions and

Peoria is the largest city in Central Illinois, with a population of 115,000
in the city, and about 400,000 in the greater metro area. The surrounding
area is rural, with a great deal of farming communities.

The questions to the astronaut will be asked by students in our “Space to
Ground” club, and by museum visitors and staff. The questions labeled
“Staff/Audience Member” were collected from museum visitors, but we are not
sure if the person who submitted the question will be at the event, so we do
not have names.

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. Luke: What happens when you sneeze in space?

2. Lily: What do you miss from Earth most while you are in space?

3. Andy: How do the plants grow differently in space than on Earth?

4. Kevin H.: From space, what area on Earth looks best?

5. Andrew B.: What do you do for fun while on the ISS?

6. Zane: Is it true that your spine grows abnormally in space?

7. Avani: Would you prefer to go on a spacewalk, or to go for a walk on
Earth with gravity?

8. Staff/Audience Member: What is the first thing you will eat when you
return to Earth?

9. Staff/Audience Member: What will you be doing today after you are done
talking to us?

10. Staff/Audience Member: Which current science experiment on the ISS
interests you most?

11. Staff/Audience Member: What is the most difficult job you do on the ISS?

12. Staff/Audience Member: How many sunsets do you see in a day?

13. Staff/Audience Member: What was the most difficult part of adjusting to

14. Staff/Audience Member: Where do you see human spaceflight in 50 years?

15. Staff/Audience Member: Do you have trouble running into things while
moving about the ISS?

Maandag 25 juli, 12:46 UTC, ISS Schoolcontact, live video stream

Onderwerp: ARISS

Er is weer een ARISS schoolcontact op komst. Dit keer met het ESA Space Camp 2016, in Lenk, Switzerland

De astronaut Takuya Onishi KF5LKS gaat vragen beantwoorden van deelnemende kinderen van het ESA Space Camp 2016 dat in Lenk, Switzerland, wordt gehouden. Het contact moet op maandag 25 juliom ongveer 12:46 UTC starten en duurt ongeveer 10 minuten.
De verbinding is dit keer een telebridge verbinding met het ARISS grondstation van W6SRJ,  in Santa Rosa, Californie, USA.

Dat houdt in dat wij de verbinding niet live kunnen horen, echter Gianpietro Ferrario, IZ2GOJ is bij de school aanwezig en verzorgt een live video stream via internet.

ARISS meldt de onderstaande gegevens voor het Space Camp en de te stellen vragen.

73’s Bertus



The ESA Space Camp is a summer camp organized by the European Space Agency
at KUSPO, “Kurs und Sportzentrum” in Lenk, Switzerland. For two weeks,
youngsters receive space education and making an ARISS contact with an
astronaut in space will be a highlight in the program. The program covers
space and exploration, such as looking at Rosetta’s final operations as well
as at planet Earth and its uniqueness in the universe. A ham radio expert
will explain to the children how we communicate with the crew on the ISS.

Signals from space will not be audible in Europe, but the event will be

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. Theo, 10: If one astronaut is very ill, can a “space-ambulance” be sent
to bring the astronaut back to earth?

2. Wolfram, 10: How do you clean the air of the ISS

3. Alice, 12: I would like to know if a person with severe hearing problem
who is equipped with the cochlear implant, like me, is able to become
astronaut. Thank you.

4. André, 11: Once you are in the ISS, which part of the Earth you like the
most to fly over and why?

5. Daniel, 13: What physical changes do you notice with your body whilst you
are in space?

6. Marta, 11: Is it necessary to have medical knowledge to become Astronaut?
Because you shall give yourself an injection!

7. Ludovica, 12: Since the astronauts on board of ISS see many sunrises and
sunsets every day, how do they cope with sleeping and day/night cycles?

8. Gemma, 12: What is the most interesting thing on Earth that you have seen
from space?

9. Benjamin, 13: What is going through your mind during launch?

10. Emil, 10: For how long do the supplies in food and oxygen last on board
the ISS?

11. Ariane, 8: In case of a vital emergency issue inside the ISS that
requires the evacuation of the ISS, which are your escape options? Was it
ever used for real in the past?

12. Daniela, 10: How do you feel when you go to work outside the space

13. Kai, 11: If you knew that going to space was dangerous, why did you
decide to go?

14. Kelvin, 9: What is the first thing you want to do when you arrive back
to Earth?

15. Adèle, 9: When you go out of the station to repair something for
instance, what would happen if the cable connecting to the ISS break? What
does the crew in the station have to do to avoid that you go in deep space?

16. Gabriel, 12: Have you ever thought of the dangers that can happen in
your space missions?

17. Tiago, 9: What is the most exciting part of the travel to the ISS?

18. Eline, 12: What do you typically do during your free time at ISS? And do
you ever get bored?

19. Thibaut, 15: How much sport do you have to practice to keep muscle tonus
and avoid bones degradation?

20. Bergitte, 11: Do the astronauts onboard the ISS have the meals together?

21. Eduardo, 10: Have you ever felt loneliness or have you ever been afraid
of staying outside in the space?

22. Lucia, 11: What happens if an astronaut gets a cavity (toothache) when
at the Station?