432MHz en hoger contest in het weekend van 6 en 7 oktober 2018

Komend weekend wordt van zaterdag 6 oktober 2018 14:00UTC tot zondag 7 oktober 14:00UTC de IARU/VERON 432MHz en hoger contest gehouden. De contest is op de banden 70cm, 23cm, 13cm, 9cm, 6cm, 3cm, 1.5cm etc. De contest wordt in heel Europa gehouden en dat staat garant voor voldoende activiteit. Een goede gelegenheid om uw microgolf zenders uit te proberen.  Iedereen wordt uitgenodigd om mee te doen.

Dit is tevens de laatste contest dit jaar, uit de serie van vijf, die meedoet voor de competitiepunten. Na deze contest zal de eindstand worden opgemaakt. De prijsuitreiking aan de winnaars zal plaatsvinden op de VHF dag die in 2019 zal worden gehouden.


Het contestregelement staat hier.  Je kan deelnemen door je contestlog te uploaden naar de contestrobot.

ISS schoolcontact op dinsdag 2 oktober 2018 om 17:45 UTC (lokaal 19:45)

ISS Schoolcontact te beluisteren op 145,800 mHz op dinsdag 2 oktober om 17:45 UTC

Op dinsdag 2 oktober wordt een ARISS schoolcontact gemaakt tussen de astronaut Ricky Arnold, KE5DAU in ISS, en de Pell Elementary School in Newport, Amerika. De telebridge verbinding loopt dit keer via het ARISS grondstation van Jan, ON6ISS in de omgeving van Antwerpen. De uitzending vauit ISS is in onze omgeving zeker goed te ontvangen op 145,800 MHz in FM (Denk el aan de dopplershift van +/- 3 KHz). Het contact wordt in de Engelse taal gevoerd.

Zie hieronder voor de beschrijving van de school en de vragen die door de kinderen gesteld gaan worden.

Ook geinteresseerd in een schoolcontact met ISS? Kijk dan op ariss-eu.org

Bertus Husken


School Information:

Pell Elementary School is Newport, Rhode Island’s only grades K-4 school, with student population of 950.  The school’s namesake, Claiborne de Borda Pell served six terms as a U.S. senator from 1961 to 1997.  Senator Pell championed the “Basic Educational Opportunity Grant,” popularly   known as the “Pell Grant.”  Millions of low-income students have attained post-secondary education through the benefit of this federal grant program.  Pell believed education should be the right of every citizen, to better their own life, and to strengthen our nation.

Pell Elementary has a diverse, multicultural population due in part to the nearby U.S. Naval War College which attracts many foreign naval officers and their families.  Our English language learner population is 12%, while 57% of our students are children of color, and 65% qualify for free (or reduced price) lunch.

Teachers at Pell School regularly incorporate science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) exploration into their classroom. Students attend weekly STEM classes during which they tackle real-world challenges. They are introduced to the “Engineering Design Process,” coding, and careers in STEM fields.  Kindergarten and first grade students explore computational thinking using a variety of on and off-line algorithmic tools.  Older students are introduced to coding using MIT Media Lab’s Scratch and Code.org.

Our faculty encourages students to take risks, solve problems, engage in experiential learning, and collaborate.  Pell students have engaged in space-related and radio activities ahead of this event which also coincides with “World Space Week, ” a United Nations-sponsored annual initiative geared to strengthen the link between space and society.

The space chat will be the highlight of the week, with activities planned, in the following week, to celebrate this year’s theme, “Space Unites the World.”  With help from the Amateur Radio aboard the ISS (ARISS) volunteers around the world and our community partners, Pell students will witness “Rhode Island Space Chat #3.”  Four hundred students and guests are expected inside the school gymnasium with many others watching via livestream.

We are excited and honored to participate in this unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Students First Names & Questions:

1. Sean (grade 2): What time do you wake up and what is the first thing you do?

2. Adam (grade 4): My dad likes to drink coffee; do you have good tasting coffee on the ISS?

3. Jordan (grade 2): Does someone make you shower every day?

4. Gilber (grade 4): How do you celebrate your birthdays?

5. Khalil (grade 4): Do you ever get presents delivered to you from Earth?

6. Jacobee (grade 1): What kinds of games do you play with your crew?

7. Ariyah (grade 1): Why aren’t there more girl astronauts?

8. Alan (grade 2):  What timezone do you follow?

9. Jaiya (grade 2): Do you wash your clothes in space?

10. Sadie (grade 2): Where does the ISS trash go?

11. Yamille (grade 3): How do you keep the ISS clean and healthy?

12. Logan (grade 1):  Do you have to wash down the outside of the ISS and its solar panels, like a car gets washed?

13. Lacey (grade 3): Do you have a secret room that gives you privacy?

14. Sidonie (grade 1): Why are spacesuits always white?

15. Kevoy (grade 2): How many astronauts can go on a spacewalk at once?

16. Vale (grade 3): How do you prepare for a spacewalk?

17. Giovanna (grade 2): We grow tomatoes at school. Do you grow plants using hydroponics?

18. Kelly (grade 3): I’m Russian; do you think there are other life forms in the cosmos?

19. Ethan (grade 4): How do you eat without choking when there’s no gravity to hold down the food?

20. Wilson (grade 4): How would you feel if you didn’t exercise and then returned to Earth?

21. Aaleigh (grade 5): Who inspired you to be an astronaut?

22. Kayai (grade 5): What did you study in college?

23. Mr Sherman (teacher grade 1): Do space plants grow much faster when using plant food?

24. Mrs. Grimes (nurse):  How do you handle a serious medical emergency?

25. Ms Westman (principal):  As principal, I am the director of learning at school.  Who is the leader on the ISS?

26. Mr. McEneaney (music teacher): Are there any musical instruments on the ISS?


About ARISS:

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, JAXA, and CSA. The US Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) and the  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provide ARISS special support.

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters’ interest in science, technology, and learning.

The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in classrooms or informal education venues.  With the help of experienced amateur radio volunteers, ISS crews speak directly with large audiences in a variety of public forums.  Before and during these radio contacts, students, teachers, parents, and communities learn about space, space technologies, and amateur radio.  For more information, see www.ariss.orgwww.ariss-eu.org and www.amsat-on.be/hamtv-summary/.



ATV contest uitslagen september beschikbaar

De lijst met resultaten van de ATV contest september 2018 is hier te vinden. Hier zijn ook de competitiepunten over alle drie wedstrijden te zien.