Artikelen door Chris van den Berg

Eerste satelliet bounce QSO vanuit Dwingeloo

Na bijna twee jaar proberen lukte het Jan PA3FXB vandaag om een satelliet bounce QSO te maken vanuit Dwingeloo met DJ5AR in de 23 cm band. Let wel: de satelliet wordt dus gebruikt als passieve reflector, net als plane scatter of airplane scatter. Jan gebruikte de 25 meter grote schotel van PI9CAM,DJ5AR een 3 meter […]

World Radio Conference 2015

Gedurende vier weken waren er meer dan 3000 deelnemers bij de WRC 2015. M.b.t. VHF het is het de IARU gelukt om harmonisering van de 50 MHz band in Region 1 op de agenda te krijgen voor de WRC van 2019. Die agenda zal echter ook bedreigingen bevatten voor 5 GHz en 47 GHz… Voor […]

IARU coördinatie van satelliet frequenties

IARU committed to only coordinate satellite frequencies within the internationally aligned IARU band plans. The two metre amateur band is one of the most popular and populated bands in all the spectrum allocated to the amateur and amateur satellite services. This recently led to a request by satellite builders for coordination outside the spectrum reserved […]

ARRL letter van 13 augustus met bericht over de frequentie coordinatie

AMSAT Echoes IARU Satellite Coordination Concerns AMSAT-NA has joined the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) in expressing concern that some soon-to-be-launched satellites operating in Amateur Radio bands could cause conflicts in some ITU regions. In an August 7 statement on behalf of the IARU, Secretary Rod Stafford, W6ROD, said the IARU had become aware of […]

Satelliet frequentie coordinatie

For some years, IARU has sought, through its group of volunteer satellite coordinators, to assign appropriate frequencies to be used by space satellites operating in the amateur bands. These efforts have generally been successful, allowing satellites to operate without undue interference to each other and to other services using the bands in question. The IARU […]