ARISS schoolcontact met Frankrijk op vrijdag 5 mei om 11:58 (lokale tijd)

Het uitgestelde schoolcontact met een combinatie van 3 Franse scholen staat nu voor vrijdag 5 mei om 11:58 op het ARISS programma.

Zolang Thomas Pesquet in ISS aanwezig is wordt dit contact dan ook in de Franse taal gehouden. Het grondstation is dit keer TM10ISS en de downlink van ISS is zoals altijd te beluisteren op 145,800 MHz in FM. (Denk wel aan de dopplershift.)


Hieronder volgt de presentatie van de 3 scholen en de vragen die door de kinderen gesteld gaan worden.





Schools presentation

Collège Georges Brassens
The village of Saint Venant is located in the Pas-de-Calais, at 40 Km west of Lille.
The college Georges Brassens includes 435 pupils supervised by 32 teachers. These students are between 11 and 15 years of age.
In 2015, 91% of the students obtained their diplomas, 61% of which were awarded, which enabled
the college to obtain a distinction. Scientific projects are regularly conducted at the college:
balloon probes, BIA project … They allow students to develop their scientific culture and discover many trades.
These projects also provide a link with the general and technological high school of Lillers where the same projects are continued.

Collège René Cassin
The city of Lillers is only 8 Km distant from St Venant.
The college René-Cassin, located on the edge of the town of Lillers, is a semi-rural college.
It accommodates 382 pupils from 10 to 15 years of socio-professional origins very varied from
a part of the city and the neighboring villages and hamlets. The college wants to open up to
its environment and offer its students the opportunity to enrich themselves through activities
that will allow a cultural and scientific opening in connection with the continuity towards high school.

Lycée Polyvalent Anatole France
The Lycée Anatole France is located in the downtown of Lillers and is well known in the Pas-de-Calais department as it is regularly ranked among
the first high schools of the department for his success in the baccalauréat.
It accommodates 940 students from 15 years to 20 years.
Since 8 years, the secondary school participates, with the classes of second and the CSRAL, to scientific projects like the launch of a stratospheric balloon
or to a parabolic flight in 2014. For 8 years, a preparation for the certificate of initiation to the Aeronautics (BIA)
is open to pupils of 10th Grade. A preparation for the amateur radio licence is also proposed  since this year to students of 11th Grade.
All these activities allowing them to discover the universe of aviation (BIA), the effects of The zero-gravity (parabolic flight),
the stratosphere and space (ISS orbital station) is to bring students back into contact with the space station.
The high school will have a radioclub with a station able to make contacts via satellites.

School exchange program with Denver, Colorado:

The Lycee Anatole France is partner with the STEM High School, a semi-public school with a four-year curriculum that was founded in 2011.
they are ranked eleventh in the ranking of 342 schools in Colorado. their enrollment includes 1600
high school students, with 25% ethnic diversity. Their students are selected by lottery each year.
STEM provides a high-quality academic standard with an infusion of STEM (science, technology,
technical education and mathematics) present in all subjects taught. they also focus on teaching business,
as well as personal responsibility, teamwork and the ability to solve problems with creativity.
The school is located in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado, USA and have many connections with high-tech companies in the Denver area.

Some of the questions below have been prepared by the STEM High School, and will be read in English by the French students.
The contact will then be webcast for the benefit of the American High school students.

The ARISS contact will be conducted in French.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. Clémence (17): Vos expériences ont-elles pour but une future colonisation de l’espace?
2. Maixent (13), Thomas (12): Parmi les clichés pris depuis l’ISS, quelle photo préférez-vous ?
3. Noah (14): Est-ce que l’alternance jour/nuit plus courte a une influence sur certaines de vos activités ou sur votre organisme ?
4. Josh (17): Due to the constant free fall of the ISS around the earth’s orbit, do you continue to feel the physical symptoms of the free fall, and if so, how do you adapt to this feeling?
5. Emilie (17): Votre alimentation a t’elle des conséquences sur votre santé?
6. Anthony (14), Maximilien (13): De combien avez-vous grandi depuis votre départ ?
7. Chloé (14), Anaëlle (14): En raison de l’apesanteur, est ce que tu as souvent des vertiges ou la sensation d’être désorienté ?
8. Peyton (15), Hope (16): How much social interaction do you have on a given day with earth or with other ISS astronauts?
9. Adélaïde (17): Avez vous ressenti une certaine atrophie musculaire pendant votre séjour?
10. Mélanie (13), Line (13): Les sensations ressenties lors de votre sortie dans l’espace et lors de vos déplacements dans la station sont-elles les mêmes que lors des entrainements en piscine ?
11. Loane (14), Flavie (13): Qu’est ce que tu as ressenti lorsque tu as vu la terre pour la première fois depuis l’ISS?
12. Katie (14), Abby (15), Bella (14): Who inspired you to become an astronaut?
13. Mathilde (17): Quels sont les êtres vivants qui ont été apportés pour vos expériences?
14. Flavie (12), Lila (12): Pensez-vous repartir en mission dans l’espace?
15. Lucas (15), Océan (14): Quelle est ton activité préférée à bord de l’ISS lors de ton temps libre ?
16. Zach (15), Truman (14): Do you see items entering the earth’s atmosphere or burning upon entering? What does it look like?
17. Eva (17): Quelles ont été vos sensations lors du décollage de la fusée Soyouz?
18: Margaux (14), Lou-Anne (12): Où avez vous prévu d’atterrir ?
19: Mélany (14), Assia (14): Est ce qu’il y a un endroit ou un phénomène sur terre que tu n’as pas encore photographié et que tu souhaites avoir tout particulièrement ?
20: Estelle (17): Sous quelle forme préférez-vous déguster vos aliments?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, JAXA, and CSA.

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters’ interest in science, technology, and learning.

PA0RJV en PA1TK zijn in de mei contest 6/7 mei a.s. QRV als F4VSG/p in departement 70 JN38BA

We kijken speciaal uit naar PA op of rond 144.333 MHz met 2 x 9 el F9FT. We zijn ook QRV op 432 MHz met een klein systeem; tenminste 50 watt en een 15 el yagi .
Als indicatie qrb vanuit Spaarndam JO22IJ naar JN38BA = 497km antenne richting 168 graden.

Theo, PA1TK

Op 5 mei zal Robert Langenhuizen PA0RYL, in Den Bosch een lezing over SWR, slotted lines en de Smith Chart geven

Een van de meest inzichtelijke methoden om de staande golf te meten is met behulp van een slotted line. In deze presentatie laat Robert, PA0RYL zien hoe je hiermee zeer nauwkeurig de staande golf kunt meten en SWR meters kunt ijken. Na de pauze wordt het Smith Diagram geïntroduceerd en de betekenis van SWR en impedantie ermee verduidelijkt. Ook wordt met de Smith kaart de zin en onzin van het aanpassen van de SWR door het knippen aan een voedingslijn uit de doeken gedaan.

Deze interessante lezing is al in meerdere afdelingen gegeven en de recensies zijn lovend, en betiteld als; interessant en leerzaam.
Hierbij word een ieder van harte uitgenodigd deze lezing bij te wonen, ook leden uit andere afdelingen en niet leden zijn van harte welkom.

De demonstratie van de SWR metingen zal Robert PA0RYL doen met een 70 cm zender en SWR meters. Als er mensen zijn die hun eigen 70 cm SWR meter willen kalibreren, dan kan men die wellicht meenemen.

De bijeenkomst is op vrijdag 5 mei om 20.00 uur in het Sociaal Cultureel Centrum ”De Helftheuvel” Helftheuvelpassage 115, 5224 AC ’s-Hertogenbosch.

Zie eventueel hier voor de laatste informatie.