ISS Schoolcontact , vrijdag 14 dec om 12:55 UTC

De Kenilworth School in Kenilworth, Engeland, maakt op vrijdag 14 dec om 12:55 UTC een rechtstreekse verbinding met Serena Aunon-Chancellor, KG5TMT, in ISS. De verbinding wordt door GB4KSN bij de school verzorgd.

De uitzending vanuit ISS zal over een groot deel van Europa en zeker in Nederland goed te ontvangen zijn op 145,800 MHz in smalband FM. Houdt wel rekening met de doppler correctie van +/- 3 kHz.

Tevens worden beelden van de activiteiten op school via het ISS kanaal van de BATC uitgezonden. (

Zie hieronder voor de beschrijving van de school en de vragen die gesteld gaan worden.

73’s Bertus



School Informatie:

Kenilworth School and Sixth Form is located in the historic town of Kenilworth in Warwickshire England, we are effectively in the dead centre of England.

The school is made up of 1880 students and just over 200 teaching and support staff.

We are a true comprehensive school meaning that we do not select students on their academic abilities when starting school and teach students with a range of academic abilities. This being said, we are the top performing non selective school in the whole of Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull based on last year’s GCSE results and have been judged as an Outstanding school by Ofsted and have recently been awarded World Class School status.

The school has a successful and very popular Space, Rocket and Robotics extra-curricular club run by Mr Harwood – Suther. Students have taken part in many activities such as building their own Galilean telescopes, rocket cars and taking part in a number of robotic competitions organised by VEX, as well as taking part in regular stargazing events. We have also been extremely lucky to have hosted samples of moon rock for our students to look at on two occasions.

The school has also been awarded the Space Education Quality Mark (Silver) as well as the Teen Tech Award Centre for Innovation (Silver).

Students First Names & Questions:

  1. Max B. (Age 11): What surprised you the most when you entered space?
  2. Jacob G. (Age 12): Do you believe there is some form of living extra-terrestrial intelligent lifeforms beyond earth, not just bacteria and fossils?
  3. Eva R. (Age 11): During your training would you be able to describe your hardest moment and your most enjoyable experience from your training?
  4. George J. (Age 11): How do you find the food in space compared to when you are back on earth?
  5. Anya B. (Age 11): When you were a child did you always know you wanted to be an astronaut and fly to space?
  6. John T. (Age 13): Where would you prefer to live, on board The ISS or Earth?
  7. Elin B. (Age 11): What kind of plant life can be grown on the ISS as there is no oxygen or CO2 in space?
  8. Alfie S. (Age 11): Why do liquids when poured out in space, always form round blobs?
  9. Freddie B-S. (Age 12): From information that I have read, male astronauts say that “space” smells very metallic. Is it any different for female astronauts in space?
  10. Dorottya V. (Age 12): How will it be possible to live on Mars and plant trees, flowers, and create an earth like environment?
  11. Sam S. (Age 13): If you are in space, how does the zero gravity make you taller?
  12. Clarissa/Elly (Age 12): Is the sunrise brighter than on earth?
  13. Simon B. (Age 12): I am interested about Europa which orbits Jupiter. If life was found on Europa, what are the biological protocols to protect indigenous life and samples on or from other worlds?
  14. Esme H. (Age 11): How long did it take to get used to life on the space station?
  15. Matthew K. (Age 11): What is the daily day to day routine in regards to personal hygiene?
  16. Megan M. (Age 12): This is your first visit to the to the International Space Station. What are your thoughts on another opportunity and perhaps take part in a spacewalk?
  17. Nuala R. (Age 13): Does it feel like you’re moving when you’re on the ISS or do you just feel as though you are floating in the emptiness of space?
  18. Lior I. (Age 14): What do you think will change in space stations in the future decade?
  19. Melody H. (Age 11): What’s your favourite thing to do in space?
  20. Flora V. (Age 11): When you come back to earth do you see the earth differently than you did before you left?
  21. Tom E. (Age 11): What is the strangest thing you have seen in space?

Scholen of groepen die geinteresseerd zijn in een schoolcontact met ISS kunnen contact met ARISS opnemen via de website of mail sturen naar pe1keh(at)

ISS Schoolcontact maandag 10 dec, 14:12 Lokale tijd

Op maandag 10 december is weer een schoolcontact tussen het ruimtesation ISS en dit keer een school in Frankrijk te beluisteren. Het contact met Serena Aunon-Chancellor, KG5TMT wordt op de school verzorgd door F5KEM en verloopt dit keer in het Engels. Het signaal van ISS zal in een groot deel van Europa en dus ook bij ons goed waarneembaar zijn op 145,800 MHz met +/- 3 kHz doppler verschuiving.


Hieronder volgt nog de presentatie van de school en de vragen die door de kinderen gesteld gaan worden.




Location Information:

Due to its geographical location, Thiviers has always had a commercial vocation, and the reputation of its agricultural products has largely contributed to its expansion.
As a medieval fortified town, Thiviers was always coveted for its strategic position, Thiviers was even many times destroyed, the town has been rebuilt again and again with the passage of history.
Thiviers is a place of pilgrimage on the way to Santiago de Compostela.
In the middle of the 18th century, for more than 174 years, Thiviers was an important place for earthenware. The small dynamic town of about 3000 inhabitants is famous for its many fairs and markets, including the Goose and the Duck in winter. The fairs of Thiviers were already known in the 15th century. In 1962, the city organized the first award-winning fair in the Dordogne, allowing it to obtain a label for its greasy markets and to be proclaimed “Capital of Foie Gras in Périgord”.
Ensuring the natural transition between the Limousin in the North and the great province of Aquitaine in the South, Thiviers is a gateway to the South of the Regional Natural Park Perigord-Limousin. Its geographical position is remarkable, on the RN21. On the other hand, its rail passenger and goods traffic ensures a continuous and ever increasing activity towards major centers. Several companies are located in Thiviers, “ARCADIE Sud Ouest” the Thiviers slaughterhouse and the Thiviers quarries are the two main ones.

School Information:

Located in a small town in a rural area, between Limoges and Perigueux, the College Leonce Bourliaguet hosts about 360 students between 11 and 15 years old.Leonce Bourliaguet was an imaginative and prolific author for the youth, born in Thiviers in 1895.
Besides the usual subjects (French, Maths, English, Spanish, History and Geography, P.E., Science, Music, Technology, Art), some of them have the opportunity, if they wish, to follow an artistic education (dance, music), a sport option (basketball) or a scientific option.
In this scientific option, the students have been working for several years on different themes related to space and astronomy. They join in different events such as the yearly Science Festival or scientific contests. Last year, they were among the French schools selected to work with the ISS.

Students First Names & Questions:

1. Etienne (10): What was the first thing you did aboard the ISS?
2. Lola (10): Did you always want to become an astronaut?
3. Lotte (13): Were you afraid during the Soyuz take-off?
4. Adele (13): Is it difficult to get used to zero-gravity?
5. Tiago (11): Do you sleep well in space?
6. Emma G (13): Is there any turbulence in the ISS as you would have with a plane?
7. Mayline (11): What was your first impression while performing a spacewalk?
8. Manon (11): Have you seen a lot of aurora borealis?
9. Antoine (11): Have you ever observed any bizarre or strange phenomenon aboard the ISS?
10. Kylian (14): Can you view the Thiviers quarries from space?
11. Nicolas (14): Is it possible to take a picture of Thiviers from space?
12. Emma D (13): What do you usually do during your spare time?
13. Emma N (11): What is the most complicated daily task you have ever done in space?
14. Yohann (11): What is the most fascinating task you have ever done in space?
15. Erwan (14): Is the physical training to become an astronaut hard?
16. Louis (11): Do astronauts loose or gain weight when in space and how much?
17. Eva (11): What is your best memory of space?
18. Baptiste (11): What is your worst memory of space?
19. Abe (14): Do you miss your friends and family?
20. Yoann (11): What makes you dream in your job?

About ARISS:

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, JAXA, and CSA. The US Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provide ARISS special support.

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters’ interest in science, technology, and learning.

The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in classrooms or informal education venues.  With the help of experienced amateur radio volunteers, ISS crews speak directly with large audiences in a variety of public forums.  Before and during these radio contacts, students, teachers, parents, and communities learn about space, space technologies, and amateur radio.  For more information, see and

Uitslagen Radiowedstrijden gepubliceerd

Dit artikel is bedoeld om iedereen te informeren de uitslagen van radiowedstrijden zijn gepubliceerd.. Afgelopen week zijn op de website van de vhf commissie de uitslagen van de volgende radiowedstrijden gepubliceerd:
– Velddag contest 2018.
– 50 en 70 MHz juni 2018 (deel 1).
– 50 en 70 MHz juli 2018 (deel 2).
– VHF en UHF Zomercontest.
– 144 MHz september contest.
– 432 MHz en hoger oktober contest.
– 144 MHz telegrafie november contest.

Ook zijn de einduitslagen van de VERON Competitie en de 50/70MHz serie gepubliceerd. Alle deelnemers en in het bijzonder de nummer 1’s gefeliciteerd met de behaalde resultaten. De uitslagen zijn op deze pagina te lezen.
Alle deelnemers hebben een aparte mail ontvangen dat de uitslagen zijn gepubliceerd. Indien van toepassing is ook een een errorlog met de afgekeurde verbindingen verstuurd. Er zijn dit jaar iets meer dan 2500 checklogs uit binnen en buitenland gebruikt voor de beoordeling. Dit jaar is gebruikt om het gehele beoordelingsproces tussen de logs zoveel mogelijk te automatiseren. Deze investering gaat zich volgend seizoen terugbetalen in het nog sneller publiceren van de einduitslagen.

In een apart artikel later deze maand zal ik een overzicht geven van de winnaars, hoogtepunten in het contestseizoen en nadere informatie over de prijsuitreiking. Schrijf alvast in je agenda dat de prijsuitreiking op 23 maart 2019 gaat plaatsvinden.

73 Rob PE1ITR
VHF Contestmanager.