ISS Schoolcontact met Den Haag, donderdag 12:11 (lokale tiid)
Op donderdag 8 dec om 12:11, lokale tijd, is er een ISS schoolcontact met The British School in The Hague.
De spreektaal voor deze school is zoals de naam al zegt de engelse taal.
Gedurende de afgelopen weken is er op de school uitgebreid aandacht besteed aan het onderwerp techniek en ruimtevaart. Dit alles natuurlijk op het niveaau van de leerlingen.
16 kinderen in de leeftijd van 4 – 10 jaar krijgen dan de gelegenheid een vraag aan Jos Cassada te stellen.
De vragen zijn:
- 4 years – Carson: Why do you need a helmet?
2. 4 years – Liam: What is the moon made of?
3. 4 years – Florine: In space, is there a toilet and can you use a telephone?
4. 5 years – Jamie: Is there weather in space?
5. 5 years – Alp: Is it relaxing in space?
6. 6 years – Kofi: If this planet is destroyed can we set up on other planets?
7. 6 years – Ashna: What would you do if one of the astronauts were sick or injured?
8. 6 years – Aylin: Are you happy to live in the space station?
9. 8 years – Isabella: What inspired you to be an astronaut?
10. 8 years – David: What did you feel when you found out that you were going to space?
11. 9 years – Beatriz: Have you ever seen a volcano explode from space, and how was it.
12. 8 years – Cyrus: What happens if the oxygen runs out?
13. 9 years – Thanos: How well do plants grow in space?
14. 9 years – Seungjae: How often do you do space walks?
15. 10 years – Hanson: What is the strangest thing you have ever said to mission control?
16. 10 years – Evaan: Why does the sun shine on earth but not the rest of space?